BrunFnd label BrunFnd label BrunFnd label Effectiveness Initiatives
BrunFnd label Effectiveness Initiatives
  • REP
    Rochester Effectiveness Partnership



    REP was a project committed to active partnership that included multiple voices. Between 1996 and 2003, 166 individuals including 2 evaluation partners, 32 social service provider organizations and 13 funding and 2 support organizations were part of the REP experience.

    Throughout the the initiative, REP partners remained committed to four overarching principles:

    1. Collaboration
      The partners believed that:
      • the pooling of funds from a variety of public and private philannthropic sources, in varying amounts, would make the initiative stronger
      • each participating funder and social service provider organization would have an equal voice in the partnership - one organization/one vote
      • taking time and investing dollars in administrative aspects of the collaborative including meetings, communication and logistics would have a long-term benefit
    2. Capacity Building for Individuals and their Organizations
      REP was designed to:
      • systematically build capacity to and use evaluation. Partners were exposed to a rigorous curriculum and expected to complete actual evaluation studies
      • foster the improvement of programs so that clients could benefit in demonstrable ways
      • teach organizations to be better consumers of evaluation studies
    3. Transparency
      REP tackled tough issues and vowed not only to make changes in the partnership based on data, but also to speak and write about the project

    4. Measuring the Impact of the Work
      The partnership developed logic models and outcome measures in order to evaluate each phase

    Click here for a full listing of REP and ETHOS partners.

    Provider Partners

    Click here for a full listing of REP training participants.

    Funding Partners

    Administrative Partner

    Assisting Partner

    Evaluation Partners