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BrunFnd label Effectiveness Initiatives
  • Anita M. Baker, Ed. D.

    Anita M. Baker is an independent consultant providing a variety of evaluation-related services to research and evaluation organizations, universities, foundations, and non-profit agencies which provide services to youth and families. She specializes in providing technical assistance for agencies conducting self-assessments or participatory evaluations, and in conducting external evaluations of educational and non-profit programs and organizations. In addition she has developed and delivered training in participatory evaluation planning and methodology for evaluators and non-profit agency staff. Anita Baker earned her Doctorate in Education from Columbia University, Teacher's College in 1991, and formerly served as a project director and senior program officer of the Academy for Educational Development in New York City.

    Dr. Baker has extensive experience in evaluation, especially in educational and non-profit agency settings, and she has a broad range of interests. She is a former high school science teacher and since 1988 has been serving on research and evaluation project teams examining a wide variety of subjects including educational reform, alternative education, parent participation, magnet schools, school choice, school and community-based health and social service provision, youth development, and youth gang and drug prevention, community-based collaborations and integrated services, employment training, and participatory evaluations for non-profit agencies. She has directed numerous projects, supervised staff, and developed and submitted a number of successful proposals. In addition to managing evaluation projects, she has also designed and managed comprehensive databases, developed evaluation instruments including survey and interview protocols, conducted numerous field visits, and analyzed and summarized evaluation and research data.