Evaluation Capacity Building: Israel
From July through October, 2014, Bruner Foundation consultant Anita Baker worked together with evaluation consultant Gila Melech, Tel Aviv, to develop and share Evaluation Capacity Building strategies including:
- Translation of Bruner Foundation Evaluation Manuals and Training Session Materials Including Agendas, Powerpoint Slides and Activities (jointly supported by the Bruner Foundation and the Rothschild Foundation)
- Development of a conference presentation and training materials for Israeli Evaluators, Funders and NGO professionals.
The planning work culminated in a week-long series of on-site meetings and training sessions and plans for ongoing follow-up and collaboration.
Presentations and materials from meetings and training sessions:
- Comments and Insights: Evaluation Capacity Building in Israel, Gila Melech
- Evaluation Capacity Building Basic Training with NGOs
- Understanding and Utilizing Evaluative Thinking: An Approach for Evaluators, Funders and NGO Providers
- Reflections on ECB: Supporting Evaluation Capacity Building and Evaluation Professionals
- Participatory Evaluation Essentials: A Guide for NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS and their Evaluation Partners
- Integrating Evaluative Capacity into Organizational Practice 2012
Hebrew versions of guides now available:
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*The Foundation defines evaluative capacity as the integration of evaluation skills and evaluative thinking into everyday organizational practice to ensure not only stronger programs, but also stronger, more effective organizations better able to deliver on their missions.