Evaluative Thinking In Organizations Study
The Bruner Foundation is pleased to offer the following resources as part of its commitment to encouraging dialogue, dissemination of lessons learned and fostering effectiveness in the non-profit service delivery and philanthropic sectors.
- Assessing Evaluative Thinking
- The Evaluative Thinking Assessment tool was created by the Bruner Foundation evaluation consultants and representatives from twelve non-profit service provider organizations in Rochester, New York, to assess the extent to which evaluative thinking is present in various organizational capacity areas. The tool grew out of the Bruner Foundation's Evaluative Thinking in Organizations Study (ETHOS).
- The tool was developed by partners in 2005 after a review of multiple organizational assessment tools. The tool specifically focuses on indicators of evaluative thinking for a critical subset of organizational capacities at a particular point in time: mission, strategic planning, executive leadership, management leadership, governance, fund development/raising, evaluation, program development, client relationships, communication and marketing, technology acquisition and training, staff development, human resources, business venture development and alliances/collaborations.
- The tool was automated and updated in 2010.
- Planning and Data Collection
Evaluative Thinking Assessment Tool
Sample Report
- Indicators of Evaluative Thinking - 2010
- Evaluation Capacity and Evaluative Thinking in Organizations - a monograph published in 2006 describing what the Foundation learned during the last decade through the Rochester Effectiveness Partnership (REP) and Evaluative Thinking in Organizations (ETHOS) initiatives