Navigating the Project Clearinghouse
Welcome to the Evaluation Capacity Building Project Clearinghouse.
This interactive clearinghouse contains detailed information about the Bruner Foundation and partners’ 20-year commitment to supporting evaluation and evaluative thinking.
Key components of our shared evaluation capacity building work are listed on the left. Each is linked to a more complete description of that component and a group of specific programs/projects that illustrate that type of training or support.
The specific programs/projects for each key component link to individual and very specific project descriptions. These include categories, such as participant selection process, time commitment, costs, results and challenges. Within each detailed description there are also direct links to full reports for that project. Please select a link to the left to find out more about that key component and to explore the related projects.
Finally, at the bottom left are two additional links. The first highlights examples of projects which resulted in enhanced evaluative capacity for that organization. The second link, Projects Timeline, illustrates a chronology of the various projects in graphic form.